Beauty In Brutal | About
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Unique hand made concrete designs

Beauty in Brutal was born from a passion of Brutalist architecture and a love for the raw unpredictability of concrete. The strength and texture of the concrete contrasts with its contemporary sophistication in this unique collection of candle holders, plant pots and decorative items. The collection features a variety of bespoke designs including the addition of authentic Nottingham lace and use of copper highlights. Each creation is completely unique due to the handmade curing process, with all items varying in colour, shape and texture. This means that each piece is truly one of a kind, and a celebration of imperfections.

Jade Doran, the founder of Beauty in Brutal, is an interior architect inspired by the brutalist architecture of the 20th century. It was the rawness and brutality of this movement that influenced Jade to work with concrete, and incorporate its strength and elegance into her work.